Six Months: Part I

20 June 2013

So, It's beginning to dawn on me that i'm nearing the end of my undergraduate career, and weirdly, my time here in the States. Well maybe. Anyway, it's just weird to think that in 6 months I'll be flying home, but I won't have a return ticket back!

So I've thought about the last 6 months, and the next 6 months and thought about what I have learned and what I can look forward to learning.

And naturally blogging about it seemed like the thing to do...

Adventure is out there!! 
My whole goal at the beginning of the year was to be more fearless in all aspects of my life, and while I will still complain for HOURS about how much I refuse to go anywhere that a snake could be in the immediate 10 mile radius.... I think that I am getting slightly better at getting out of my comfort zone.

"There is no comfort in the growth zone, but no growth in the comfort zone."

it took lots of nature-y type stuff to get to this place. but so worth it 

Secondly, I feel a real understanding about what really matters. Yes, developing my goals and aspirations is important, but I'm also learning to realize the importance of just developing me. As a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a student, and whatever else comes my way. When I look back, I'll be thrilled to see that I accomplished great things and got a great education, but I think I'll be happier to see that I lived the life I was given.

Thirdly, I wouldn't swap the people and experiences I have come across in the past two and a half years for anything! I have been truly inspired by professors, roommates and friends, and I feel like a better person because of it.

Fourthly, my dancing while cooking skills (simultaneously) have improved vastly in the past couple of years. If you would like proof, come over. If I'm at home, I'll be cooking something with Al Green, Smokey Robinson and of course Kool.. and his gang. 

Fifthly, referring to number four and other mannerisms.. I have LITERALLY become my mother. It was inevitable, but seriously. I can't cook without 70s disco classics. It's a problem. Look at this playlist! And it's not even half of it.

Here is a picture of me wearing a head scarf and yelling = mother

And lastly, (yes it's going to be Molly, so if you don't like sappiness, look away now) being in this environment full of people who have the same standards and beliefs as me has really helped me to re-affirm (DAILY) how blessed I am to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life, and carry it with me wherever I end up. The whole DTC thing (disciple training center). it's true. 

So what's next??

cool, etherialy, walking-in-a-field picture taken by Shannon. My babe of a roommate.

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