Six Months: Part II

22 June 2013

So what to look forward to?

1. I'll be a University graduate! I'll have done a four-year degree in three years, and I'll be half way towards my little doctor-y dreams.

2. I'll be able to enjoy only 12 credits in the Fall semester. My lightest load yet!! Oh the fun I'll have.

3. Between now and December- MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING! We have been wedding planning like mad. It's been great and I cannot wait for her to be with her best friend for time and all eternity! There is nothing better. 

4. I'll be back in London. And I'm determined to make the most of that beautiful city of mine! I can't believe how much there is to explore. You'd think that eighteen years of living there, that I'd be a true Londoner, but I know for sure that I'm not. I can't wait to get to know it better.

5. MY FRIENDS!!! Man, I will finally be reunited with some of the best people on this earth. I haven't seen one of my bestests in pretty much 3 years, so that'll definitely be a happy reunion!

6. My mama. I sure do miss that lady.

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