
16 March 2012

Here's something that you may not know about me:

I love languages. I love hearing different languages, and I love the way that different languages have such a huge effect on people. One of my favorite things to hear is a prayer in a language that I do not understand.

Why? Well, I know that even if I don't understand the prayers, Heavenly Father does.
When my mum would be really stressed out or praying about something really serious, she would pray in her native language (twi), and this always warmed my heart. Even if it was a simple prayer, the knowledge that she felt like she had to go back to her first language really showed that she was being herself COMPLETELY.
I have taken French and Spanish, and I feel like I can get by in both languages, but....

It's just not enough!

Thus brings me to my next point. I have decided to learn Italian. Now, I'm not usually the kind of person to tell the world/blab about my goals, but I feel like this is one that YOU can help me with. I have a horrible habit of letting myself get busy with school/extra-curricular activities, and I forget to give myself an outlet. Whilst this may seem like a nightmare to most, my outlet is learning languages. So, don't see this as yet another thing that is going on my never-ending to-do list, but more like Leanda's way of taking it easy. Therefore, this is what I ask of you... when you next see me, ask how the Italian's going. Though seemingly simple, this will be a constant reminder to me to keep it going!!

p.s. Another passion of mine= TRAVELLING! Hopefully I'll be able to put the two together :)


  1. wow! good for you! I only speak English. I have always wanted to learn another language, but I am that kind of person that has to hear it all the time, or I just won't pick it up. I'm moving to Germany on Tuesday and i'm hoping to learn German while i'm there! Have you ever thought about teaching English abroad when you're done with school? You can take some classes when you're not working? I have a serious travel addiction, so I can certainly appreciate the sound and comfort of another language :)


  2. me too! i love listening to prayers in other languages! whenever we have missionaries who can speak another language, they always have to pray in that language (usually their mother language lol) i love traveling too! I'm planning on coin just that this yr when i'm in eng. i plan on going to scotland, austria and sweden this yr and hopefully next year i'll go to germany and spain! i have to admit tho, i am saving italy for my husband!!! i have always dreamed of going to rome for my honey moon and be gone min, 2 weeks!!! =] so can't wait!!!
