
27 February 2014

That's how Welsh people say Wales. Ok it isn't, and maybe that was mean- but don't take it that way because I LOVE the Welsh accent. 
Ask anyone. 
But Friday brought my very first trip across the border to Wales! Martha (being the total trooper she is) drove me, Nicole and Becky down to the dance, and we made it in pretty good time.
It's been a while since we'd raved it up at a good dance and so it was good being reunited with such good friends that I haven't seen in nearly four years!

DISCLAIMER: It was a UV dance. Which means it was dark. Which means that you can see my teeth and t-shirt. That's it.

Look who made it home from his mission alive!

Don't worry there were plenty of pictures of me and Martha

Laffs for days

 The Roadtrippers

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