
16 April 2014

Ok so you've probably been thinking... "Wow. This website is literally changing every five seconds."
That's because it literally has been.
I am not the most creative soul, and I've been trying to change up the layout/logo of the blog. Luckily, I have the best friends ever and with help from the amazing, CSS code loving, Krysta Morgan, I have finally found a layout that I'm happy with!

Right now.

Stay tuned. It's probably going to look totally different tomorrow.

p.s. Also stay tuned for more amazing things to come from Krysta. I'm serious. This is her thing. She has such a natural knack for computers and design, and her awesomeness is going to hit the World Wide Web sooner than you can say html.

1 comment :

  1. Hey Leanda!

    I saw your comment and your blog on one of a blog tutorial website about putting the page tabs on top of the header and how you were having problems with it. Well it turned out that you weren't the only one! I've read the tutorial and tried it many times but it doesn't work for me either and I see that you've somehow figured it out. Do you think you could tell me how you did it? My blog is and my email:

    Thanks so much for your time Leanda!
