
28 June 2013

If I had to personify the word creativity, it would come in the form of one of my best friends, Cydney Allen.
After a few awful weeks of 18 hour days on campus, Cydney asked Krysta and I if we wanted to take some time off to have a girls night.

Did I have a tonne to do? Yes. Did I care? Not in the slightest.

More about Cydney Allen. She's that best friend you have that leaves you a billion notes in adorable hidden places to make your day brighter. She's that friend who is so passionate and self-less that you wonder how someone can have so much love for people they don't know.
Cyd founded an organization called The Crown Project, which is all about the promotion of women's rights, and also helping girls realize their amazing potential... How have I not already done a post about it! It seriously merits a whole post. 
Okay, one will be on it's way soon, but right now let's talk about Afton Photography. 
She picked up a camera 2 and a half years ago and this little hobby that has blossomed into a thriving business. She emphasizes the importance of telling stories through pictures, and she does it so well.

Here are a few snaps from the shoot last night. 
Notice how she turned a few fluffy dandelions on the side of the road into a golden field. She's amazing. Check her out! And seriously have her document your WHOLE entire life.
It'll be worth it.

visit her website to see the rest!! 

Sister Kaelin

25 June 2013

Along with the wedding festivities, Krysta and I got to say goodbye to one of our FAV roommates Ashley! Ashley's on her way to grace the beautiful people of Texas with her electric personality and infectious giggles. She is going to be an amazing missionary but I'm going to miss her immensely!!


23 June 2013

Krysta is my favorite wedding date. We always have a great time, we dance and share entrees because we're trying to be good. Too bad the next time I'll need her to be my wedding date... she'll have her own date.

Stupid Paul
Stupid Love.

I'm kidding. I love weddings and I couldn't be happier my chicken.
ALSO Brittany's wedding was GORGEOUS!! What a perfect bride and what a fun night!
All my love and best wishes to the Bussios!

 Weddings are just not conducive to the no junk food thing.

She is gorgeous!!

And I finally got to meet Andy's gorgeous wife Katie!! I've felt like we've been friends for the longest time, but here we are in real life. International love all over the place. As Kate's mother so beautifully put it- we're undoing what was done in the Revolutionary War.


We didn't quite understand the photobooth thing on the first go. Then we got it. We totally got it.

Six Months: Part II

22 June 2013

So what to look forward to?

1. I'll be a University graduate! I'll have done a four-year degree in three years, and I'll be half way towards my little doctor-y dreams.

2. I'll be able to enjoy only 12 credits in the Fall semester. My lightest load yet!! Oh the fun I'll have.

3. Between now and December- MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING! We have been wedding planning like mad. It's been great and I cannot wait for her to be with her best friend for time and all eternity! There is nothing better. 

4. I'll be back in London. And I'm determined to make the most of that beautiful city of mine! I can't believe how much there is to explore. You'd think that eighteen years of living there, that I'd be a true Londoner, but I know for sure that I'm not. I can't wait to get to know it better.

5. MY FRIENDS!!! Man, I will finally be reunited with some of the best people on this earth. I haven't seen one of my bestests in pretty much 3 years, so that'll definitely be a happy reunion!

6. My mama. I sure do miss that lady.

Six Months: Part I

20 June 2013

So, It's beginning to dawn on me that i'm nearing the end of my undergraduate career, and weirdly, my time here in the States. Well maybe. Anyway, it's just weird to think that in 6 months I'll be flying home, but I won't have a return ticket back!

So I've thought about the last 6 months, and the next 6 months and thought about what I have learned and what I can look forward to learning.

And naturally blogging about it seemed like the thing to do...

Adventure is out there!! 
My whole goal at the beginning of the year was to be more fearless in all aspects of my life, and while I will still complain for HOURS about how much I refuse to go anywhere that a snake could be in the immediate 10 mile radius.... I think that I am getting slightly better at getting out of my comfort zone.

"There is no comfort in the growth zone, but no growth in the comfort zone."

it took lots of nature-y type stuff to get to this place. but so worth it 

Secondly, I feel a real understanding about what really matters. Yes, developing my goals and aspirations is important, but I'm also learning to realize the importance of just developing me. As a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a student, and whatever else comes my way. When I look back, I'll be thrilled to see that I accomplished great things and got a great education, but I think I'll be happier to see that I lived the life I was given.

Thirdly, I wouldn't swap the people and experiences I have come across in the past two and a half years for anything! I have been truly inspired by professors, roommates and friends, and I feel like a better person because of it.

Fourthly, my dancing while cooking skills (simultaneously) have improved vastly in the past couple of years. If you would like proof, come over. If I'm at home, I'll be cooking something with Al Green, Smokey Robinson and of course Kool.. and his gang. 

Fifthly, referring to number four and other mannerisms.. I have LITERALLY become my mother. It was inevitable, but seriously. I can't cook without 70s disco classics. It's a problem. Look at this playlist! And it's not even half of it.

Here is a picture of me wearing a head scarf and yelling = mother

And lastly, (yes it's going to be Molly, so if you don't like sappiness, look away now) being in this environment full of people who have the same standards and beliefs as me has really helped me to re-affirm (DAILY) how blessed I am to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life, and carry it with me wherever I end up. The whole DTC thing (disciple training center). it's true. 

So what's next??

cool, etherialy, walking-in-a-field picture taken by Shannon. My babe of a roommate.

"There's no A. It's 'Murica"

09 June 2013

Last night I did arguably the most red-blooded American thing I've done in the last 2 and a half years that I have lived in America.

I went to a Demolition Derby

What's a Demolition Derby?
This is what results from a Demolition Derby
 via here

This is the culture of people that usually go to Demolition Derbies

And it was SO GREAT. What's appealing about people crashing cars into one another. I wouldn't have been able to answer you until last night, but there's just an unexplainable THRILL. It's like "Ahh people are gonna die".. but they don't and cars just gets totalled. 

Needless to say. All hope for me is lost friends. Lost

The car behind us was on fire. 
The first fire they've ever had at one of those. 
The driver was fine though.
Don't worry

One of Those Days

So Saturday was one of those days. You know, when you get up super early and it's a really long day, but the sun's out so nothing else really matters.

 One of those days that starts with a classic trip to the Library. Wouldn't be Saturday without one.

One of those days that you go to Karie Anne's for the third time this week.  

 Not sad about it

 One of those days that you take a smily bean bag chair to the Sand Bar. Because you're glamourous like that.

 One of those days when you watch your flatmates jump off a bridge recreationally. Because Americans do that.

 One of those days that selfies know no limit

 One of those days when you try to take a cool "I-can-see-myself-in-your-sunglasses" picture. And fail.

 One of those days that your flatmates are babes.

One of those days you find a wall of your favorite smelling flowers in full bloom.

Just one of those days.