January is the Monday of the year.

31 January 2014

Not to be a Debbie or anything, but seriously. 
Christmas is over, it's cold and wet and windy and rainy, your New Years Revolutions usually don't make it to February, and there aren't any festive holidays in January.

[Of course the exception to all of this is if you have a birthday in January. I wouldn't dare impose on anybody's love of their birthday month, because I realize how important that is]

BUT I always find myself just having to get through January. It's an awful attitude, but it's just the way it goes.
As with most Mondays, you know that you should feel perky and ready for a new week (or in our case year), but when it actually comes around, you don't find that you're really that prepared for anything.

Yesterday marks one month since I arrived back in London. One month into my new life. This month has brought a lot of experiences that I've been all too familiar with (spending what seems like YEARS in the library in preparation for medic related stuff) and some experiences that have been new. Trying to find my feet, move countries, figure out what I'm doing with the next seven months/five years of my life and getting used to a totally new home environment can be slightly arduous.

However, in attempt to turn this around, sometimes you just have to throw on a giant red polka dot onesie, drink your 40 calorie per cup Cadbury Highlights and treat yourself to some heaven-sent cupcakes from Hummingbirds Bakery.

You also just have to think about the rest of the year.
With every Monday comes a Friday.
And a Saturday.
And a Sunday.
Wednesdays come too and they can be quite fun sometimes.
As can most Thursdays- it's all "ooohh it's nearly Friday"... you know? 

Some great things happened this January, just like sometimes good things happen on Mondays. But it's exciting to think of better days to come and reasons to find joy. My favorite quote is still "Come What May and Love It"and I really am loving it. 
But this is just to kind of explain the lack of blogging this month ha! 

Well onto bigger and better things. 

So Happy Monday. 

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