An Ode to Mothers and the School Run

06 June 2014

Oh my life.
How do all you mothers (and fathers) do it? Day in, day out. Ironing uniform, shining little shoes. Signing permission slips and walking/driving/bussing to school. Remembering assembly dates, rehearsing lines. Helping with homework, trying to convert your teeny living room into the Art Attack studio and pretending that you are Kirsty from SmART. It's so much!

Lloyd and Rosie are actually at different primary schools quite far away from one another, and so the school run usually takes about four hours in and out. With only about three hours between them. I'm so glad that I've been here to help mum out with it where I can, but I just wanted to take a second to commend all the parents out there who put so much into their little one's primary education.

I'm always surprised at how much of primary school I remember! And I'm grateful for all those Fairy liquid bottles that made rocket ships and all the help I got with my role in the school play.

As tiring as it has been, I cannot wait to do the school run with all my littles when that time comes! Children are so so precious, and living and working with them has only reminded of how much they need to be loved and cherished! 

So keep going! They'll remember, I promise.

because school run selfies are necessary.

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